
Compare travel insurance quotes online

How does travel insurance work?

Unlike traditional insurance that requires an examination, getting approved for a travel health insurance policy will be quick.

Since you will not be asked to take a test, you will only get one of two answers:

consent: You have been medically approved for this policy and can pay for it to get immediate coverage.

decreased: You are not medically approved for this policy and should seek coverage through another company.

But the thing is: “no medical care” does not mean “no underwriting,” you will still have to go through real-time underwriting which will include:

  • MIB check – Any previous history with previous insurance companies or if you have recently applied for coverage will be checked.
  • MVR check – This will be used to determine if you are a reckless or insane driver. It mainly looks for things like driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Prescription check – This check will be used to ensure that your data matches the prescriptions you are taking.

Together, these reports are used to determine your insurability based on the guidelines provided to the insurance company regarding acceptable and unacceptable risks.

Our no-test product does this in “real-time,” so while you’re completing your order, it’s running tests in the background.

By the time you complete the application, you will have an answer as to whether or not you have been approved.

It only takes you 5 minutes to find out if you are approved, then decide if you want to purchase the policy after getting an answer.

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