
Use Wicked Meadows for cross training

If you’re fit and have a garden you can’t get rid of

you must own a push reel mower and use it for variety training.

If you must have a garden due to a homeowner’s association (something about non-productive plants increasing property value), I suggest encroaching on it slowly by planting edibles. There may be a law that says you must have a garden, but there may not be a law that says how big it is, and as long as no one complains…


You can create a time lapse fairly easily.

  • Get two barbells or dumbbells that are heavy, but not too heavy for you, for example, you can press them 5 times in several sets (I use 100 lbs, and I weigh about 175 lbs); Also prime the mower. Find out how many passes you can do in 45 seconds. For me, it’s about two lanes/lanes, i.e. pick up the mower, hold it by the hips and run it as fast as you can, then turn around and repeat.
  • Now do this…

5 pistons.

Fast running with a two lane mower.

Repeat until the grass is mowed. You should think of compressions as part hard and shearing to keep your heart rate up and part to move blood into your legs and away from your arms thus increasing the intensity. It works best if there are no breaks. Mow/lift for 15 minutes. If you have a large garden, work part of it every two days on a rotating basis.

Fun fun fun


Keep a bucket ready if you’ve never done these types of intervals before. I’m just saying


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