Hope and Garden travel plans
I bet long-term BAD readers saw the headline and slapped their foreheads, thinking we’re coming back. Hope will never learn.
However, I’m here to show you differently. For the first time, and maybe ever, I have no travel plans for the next eight months. This seems like an eternity. (We’re going to Texas for Thanksgiving this year – driving.)
So, no plans to leave, especially during the summer. It’s the perfect year to dig in my garden. Every year in the past, I’ve gone somewhere for a week or two, usually in Texas, and my garden has fallen apart without maintenance, watering, and care. But this year…
Long term goal
My long term goal is to create a very low maintenance, mostly edible yard. This would be the perfect year to repurpose and utilize everything I own… 3 standing beds, 2 long loft beds, and 1 typical loft bed. And I really make a plan that I can implement over time and as materials become available.
I found this resource on Soccer Mom Blog While researching plants, locating and frugal gardening I thought others might find it useful if they are interested in frugal gardening.
I have to admit, we don’t eat a great deal of these items. Maybe about 1/2. But I like the idea of having a constant supply of the foods we eat. I’ve already started a few in my kitchen.
I have seeds left over from last year that I have started germinating and I am following some gardeners on my social media accounts to gain more knowledge. We eat a lot of vegetables and salads, so a good garden will make a real difference, giving us more variety than we currently have. Our baby carrots that I planted last year are now in use, so I will definitely be replanting them. I am the queen of growing tomatoes. But I would really like to be more successful at growing vegetables and fruits. If I can, I hope to plant some berry bushes and maybe fruit trees (maybe).
If we could eat mostly from our garden this year and only buy eggs, chicken, and bacon…that would be great. we will see. (I usually don’t eat heavy during the summer, so a good breakfast plus a protein salad would be perfect for hot summer days.)
The post Hope and Garden Travel Plans appeared first on Blogging Out of Debt.
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